
3476888065 3476888065

本人自己的house,非中介,不收取任何中介费。在皇后区最安全、最高档的社区之一:森林小丘的Van Court区。犯罪率几乎为零,女生深夜12点后单独从地铁站走回家都安全无虞。邻居基本以犹太人、白人为主。走路到E/F车Forest Hills地铁站只需8分钟,如果雨雪天不想走路,马路对面就是Q23路公交车,5分钟直达地铁站。地铁E/F快车只停三站路只需20分钟即达曼哈顿。环境优美,绿树成荫,距离麦当劳、Target超市、Trader Joe超市、星巴克和图书馆等生活便利设施都可以步行走到。

我上传了20张照片到谷歌图片 位于一楼,约60平米大,有一前一后两个大门独立出入,南门与后街齐平,北门位于Groton Street地面以下,一般从南门出入。一室一厅一卫,1个带淋浴的私人卫生间(无需与任何人合用),客厅也是私人使用,带洗衣机,提供电磁炉和微波炉可以偶尔做饭(但常烹饪油烟重的请勿联系)。因属于设备层,锅炉房也位于本层,故房租低于楼上。因地处别墅区,街头免费停车也很方便。后街带独立停车位,供租户专用,免费。处于这栋两家庭四居室三层连体别墅的第一层,独门独户,南门门前为宁静的后街。距离144小学操场很近,可跑步免费打网球打篮球等。

房租880美元,水电煤气网费与一楼的租户一起分担(过去一年每月平均总开支100至150美金)。限一人常住,入住时间为2月1日。请电话房主本人约定看房时间:347-688-8065或电邮:[email protected]


No Fee furnished 1BR apt, zero-crime upper-class area,20 min to Manhattan

Large one bedroom apartment available from February 1st in my own house located at the prestigious upscale affluent neighborhood in Forest Hills, one of the most desired\safest place to live in Queens. So safe a girl can walk home from subway at deep night worry-free. Lowest crime rate in New York. 20 minutes by subway E/F express trains to Manhattan after only 3 stops. Walk to subway in 9 minutes. 24-hour free parking with your own safe parking slot. Full bathroom for your own use only.A bus line (Q23) to the Forest Hills Subway Station has a stop just across the street, so you can take the bus for a free transfer to subway. $880 per month. Direct from landlord, hence no fee charged by typical brokers here. Occupancy by one person preferred.

Safest area in Queens with extremely rare violent crimes. Anyone who has been to New York City before knows that, if you choose a wrong area to stay, your NYC experience could turn into a nightmarish one.

Furnished with basic furniture, including bed, desks, chairs, microwave. etc. You share the Internet and utilities fees with the other tenant above your floor, which runs about $100-150 on average per month according to usage record in the past year. PS 144, one of the top rated primary schools in NYC, is very close, with the school playground/basketball field open to play all year round. With our lease, you are entitled to free admission to this great school. Close to Trader Joe, Target, MacDonald's, Starbucks, Shake Shack, and other life conveniences.

This is a legal one bedroom apartment with the south gate above street level facing the quiet backstreet, and the other north gate below street level facing the front (Groton) street, one of the reasons why the rent is lower than market. Also, the boiler is located on this floor in an enclosed separate room, and there is no full gas-powered kitchen here, so only occassional cooking is allowed with induction cooker/microwave.

All potential renters without a stable income/secure job/good credit are advised against contacting the owner, except that you are student. Thank you for saving both of us from any possible waste of time. The house is in a very nice neighborhood, and we hope you are the right person for the right neighborhood. Thank you.
